Our Hair 2 Go
Gotta love Our Hair

In 1993 I heard a woman say in regards to working in Corporate America, "No matter what kind of suit you wear, what brand of pumps you wear, what kind of briefcase you carry or how you wear your hair, they will still know that you are Black."

This comment changed my life, at least in regards to how I wore my hair.  Up until that point I was going to a beautician every week getting my hair permed, trimmed, washed and/or set so that I would maintain a Corporate or professional look.  Every other week I was going to a dermatologist to get my scalp checked and possibly my prescriptions updated for medication to help stop my hair from falling out.

Upon hearing the speaker make the quoted comment, I decided to stop the nonsense and wear my hair natural.   So I started wearing Senagalese twists then eventually locs.

Our Hair 2 Go started out as me just grooming my own locs in 1994.  Then a sister at my church wanted to have locs so I started and maintained hers.  Then my daughter was born in 1996 and in 1997 I locked and started maintaining her locs also.  And so it was for a number of years.

I left Corporate America in 2002 and moved to Chicago with the intent of being a stay-at-home, hands-on, homeschool mom.  In order to support us, I began to groom others' locs, braids and twists so that I could make a living and still be at home.  I originally called my home natural hair care business:   "Our Hair 2" because I felt that we should love Our Hair 2.  But I found some clients wanted me to come to their homes to maintain their locs or twists.  So I added the word "Go" to indicate I would travel when needed.
